ASM3M Media Arts | Outstanding International Academy

Courses Offered

ASM3M Media Arts

University / College Prep.

Ministry of Education Course Title: Media Arts, Grade 11, University /College Preparation

Course Code: ASM3M                  

Grade Level: 11

Prerequisite: Media Arts, Grade 10, Open

Department: The Arts

Course Description:

This course focuses on the development of media arts skills through the production of art works involving traditional and emerging technologies, tools, and techniques such as new media, computer animation, and web environments. Students will explore the evolution of media arts as an extension of traditional art forms, use the creative process to produce effective media art works, and critically analyse the unique characteristics of this art form. Students will examine the role of media artists in shaping audience perceptions of identity, culture, and values.

Total Time: 110 hours

Course Content

Unit 1 Creating and Presenting

A1. The Creative Process: apply the creative process to create media art works, individually and/or collaboratively;
A2. The Principles of Media Arts: design and produce media art works, applying the principles of media arts and using various elements from contributing arts (dance, drama, music, visual arts);
A3. Using Technologies, Tools, and Techniques: apply traditional and emerging technologies, tools, and techniques to produce and present media art works for a variety of audiences and purposes.

Unit 2 Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing

B1. The Critical Analysis Process: demonstrate an understanding of the critical analysis process by using it to monitor the creative process, and by examining, interpreting, assessing, and reflecting on media art works;
B2. Identity and Values: demonstrate an understanding of how media art works reflect personal and cultural identity, and affect personal, cultural, and community values and their awareness of those values;
B3. Connections Beyond the Classroom: demonstrate an understanding of the types of knowledge and skills that are transferable beyond the media arts classroom.

Unit 3 Foundations

C1. Terminology: demonstrate an understanding of, and use correct terminology when referring to, elements, principles, and other concepts relating to media arts;
C2. Contexts and Influences: demonstrate an understanding of the sociocultural and historical contexts of media arts;
C3. Responsible Practices: demonstrate an understanding of responsible practices associated with producing, presenting, and experiencing media art works.

Unit 4 Culminating Project

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