TAIWAN-CANADA DUAL DEGREE PROGRAM | Outstanding International Academy


(English as a second language)

English as a second language (ESL) is set in accordance with the curriculum regulations of the Ministry of Education of Ontario. The learning contents cover four important areas of English – listening, speaking, reading and writing, and the improvement of language skills and learning skills is emphasized. It is divided into five levels: ESLAO, ESLBO, ESLCO, ESLDO and ESLEO.

Taiwan-Canada Dual Degree Program (OSSD)

Objectives of the Program

  1. To provide a curriculum framework that meets the requirements of Taiwan’s current high school curriculum and the OSSD standards of Ontario, Canada, allowing Taiwanese students to obtain high school diplomas from both Taiwan and Canada upon graduation.

  2. To establish a comprehensive standardized online/offline (OMO) teaching mechanism to ensure the quality of courses and student learning outcomes, meeting the admission standards of top international universities.

  3. To develop a mechanism for cooperation among partner schools in Taiwan and provide teacher training to ensure that teachers in partner schools meet the teaching standards of the OSSD curriculum.

Program Structure

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