University Placement | Outstanding International Academy

University Placement

University Placement Service

The goal of virtually every OIA student is to attend the university of their dreams.  Applying to universities for admission and scholarships is a challenging process for students. Outstanding International Academy’s University Placement Service assists students to select the school that’s right for them and secure their admission.

Each university has its own specific requirements and deadlines. Without paying meticulous attention to the process and the details, students can easily miss being admitted to their “dream” university and getting the awards they deserve.

At OIA, every graduating grade 12 student who wants to have additional university placement help will be assigned an experienced University Placement Counsellor. With compassion and devotion, the counsellor takes the student through our comprehensive University Placement process with a plan that is customized to the student’s own needs and desires. This maximizes the chances of the students’ successful admission to their “dream” university based on their academic performance.


University Placement Process

Phase 1: Listen and Understand


Phase 2: Completion of Application

Phase 3: Follow-up

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